It's been awhile since I've written a post for the rosary blog, which is not to say that I haven't been busy with rosary related stuff, because I have been. Super busy in fact, busy up to my eyeballs, not just with making rosaries, but with news and the such.
For starters, I had the chance to go back to Iowa (where my grandmother was from) for a wedding (Congrats Pete and Tammi! It was a beautiful wedding and reception!) and I got a chance to catch up with all the family that I hadn't seen since her funeral. Also, I completed a bunch of rosaries and actually delivered a few in person to various family members. The pictures will follow soon. On top of that, my mother was headed straight to Australia soon after I saw her in Iowa to see the family on the other side of the pond and to deliver a few other rosaries to Mary's kids, which were received well. She got back with with all sorts of goodies from Cyndi, and all sorts of pictures and stories. I look forward to posting all that as well.
This project has continued to affect me in ways I never thought possible, starting with the
kindness and generosity of my family. I've been awestruck with the outpouring of good tidings and kind words I've received about the project. I've also been blown away by how everyone is willing and has willingly contributed to the project. I now have beads from all four of my grandmother's daughters, (Thanks Aunt Clare, Aunt Mary, and Mom, and again, thanks Cyndi for Aunt Jan's beads). I think it's really significant and important that I'm able to honor all five remarkable women in this family with my bead work. I'm stunned and flattered to be doing this.
I also have new (well, relatively speaking) beads that were worn by two of my Great-aunts (my grandmother's sisters) that were gifted to me by a wonderful woman who I am now indebted to (Thanks Great, and I do mean Great, Aunt Doris!!! I'm still awestruck by your contribution). The new beads plus the incredible antique rosaries are enough to keep me busy for ages. I'll try and document everything I received, so everyone can get idea of how grand a gesture this was. Again, Thank you so much Great-Aunt Doris!!!
On top of all that, I've also received some monetary compensation (which, Aunt Clare, you really shouldn't have, but thank you just the same!).
So keep posted for more news and more pictures on everything I've done so far. Thanks again to everyone for their love and support on this project and for all the feedback. I'm so excited for the coming months and what it will mean for this project.